What To Expect When You Visit

About the Lord’s Supper

We observe the Lord’s Supper every Sunday. If you are a believer, we welcome you to participate with us in this communion to celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Trays with cups of juice and communion bread are located at the back of the Worship Center. Please pick these up when you enter the building or during our greeting time. There is a place in the church pew to hold your communion emblems until the appropriate time in the service. We will take communion in unison at the direction of an elder.

About the Offering

Please do not feel obligated to participate in the offering. The offering is intended for attendees who consider Fleming Garden as their church home. If you are a guest, we pray that you will be blessed and encouraged by the service.



Worshiping together as a Fleming Garden family is the highlight of our week. We would be delighted for you to come and join us as we worship the King of Kings.

We meet together on Sunday mornings:

Bible School: 9:15-10:00 am

Adults - Harmony Class meets in the fellowship hall

Youth - Trailblazers Class meets upstairs

Worship Service: 10:30 - 11:45 am

We are looking forward to meeting you, and so excited to have you as part of the family.

We have a safe and comfortable nursery for your little ones during service. We realize not everyone chooses to use the nursery, so we simply ask that you consider the needs of others if your children become unhappy. They are the next generation of believers, and they are precious to us.

We offer a variety of worship services just for children: Kindergarten - 5th grade. We invite them to participate in a service that is designed just for them! These services are held during regular adult worship service from 10:30-11:45 am.

On the fourth Sunday of the month we observe Family Sunday. Our children worship with us in the Worship Center, so there are no separate classes on this day.

Wednesday Night Bible Study: 6:30-8:00 pm

Join us as we learn more about our Savior mid-week. You can expect to learn some amazing Bible history in a laid back, family friendly setting. We meet together in the fellowship hall on the 1st floor.